Thursday, January 13, 2011


I sometimes wonder if i am the only person struggeling to find her purpose.  I have been on this earth for 30 (almost 31) years and yet i have to find mine.

I have been interrested in things like numerology and alternative healing all my life, greatly because of the females in my family i suspect, so feeling as lost as i have for weeks now i desided to have a look at my numerology chart for this year.  Healing and the arts seem to be the way to go this year, but how to implement it?

I am also ment to find my softer side and give more this year.  Being born on 31 May i am usualy perseved as a harsh, hard individual, but i actualy do have a very soft side to me.  Giving has never been a problem for me... Finding my softer side and showing it may be.  I do not like to show any marshmellow soft sides of myself because marshmellows get burned in fires.

I look at the things that are pulling my interrests this year, massaging, alternative healing, beauty and i think this year i may want to spend time behind the camera and not as much infront of it.  I think i want to greate something this year, something beautiful and meaningful... What it will be i have no idea just yet...

Wish me luck.


  1. I had this issue. The book "The Renaissance Soul" helped me a lot. There is simply no need beyond society pressure to choose one single purpose. Many people are happiest and most productive doing several different things.

  2. This is true Eolake. I have so many different interrests and it sometimes drives me crazy to find the time to fit it all in. I will have a look at the book though, i am sure it will be an interresting read.

  3. Great.
    I'd say the only reason to focus on one purpose (in this universe) is if it happens to be lucrative and you need the money.
    But there is this general idea that everybody has one single reason they are put on Earth, "to play violin" or whatever, and I don't see why. Many famous people were great at many thinks. Ben Franklin for example.

  4. Oh, the book also makes the point to write down all the things you would like to do, and see if you could fit them into the 40 years or whatever you may have left, and the chances are you could. One does not have to do *everything* right now.

  5. I orderd the book and am waiting patiently. I am unfortunatly one of those people who always want to do everything right now :)

  6. A Kindle or iPad is good for that, start reading a book 60 seconds after you decided to order it! :-)
